söndag 3 april 2011

Taking the Student

When we graduate from the gymnasium we're taking the student.

The day when u r taking the student often use to look something like this:

U wake up and meet your frinds and having a nice champagne breakfast.

It's a little break and you drink as much as you can.

Then u go to the school and meet your class in a classroom and you will recieve your grades.

Then it's a little break and you tries to be even drunker.

Then the whole school meet each other and the principal have a little speach  and some of the students also holds one.

Then after all that, u and your class are really drunk and totally wasted.

And then efter all that we use to get on the back of a truck or convertible car and drunkenly shout and sing for hours at passers-by just because you graduated from school.

After all that you either fall asleep because you are so damn drunk and tired or you just keep on drinking and partying all night long.

The day after when you wake up you are feeling really bad and you realizes that you are unemployed.


Scientists have look at the swedish system and how the swedes live and thay have find out that we just love to organize things which I find very good and it often makes things work easier.

For example we always need all these numbers. We use'em when we go to the System ( when a Swede talks about "the system", he's not talking about beating the establishment; he's talking about buying liquor.) we need all this numbers in the store for every type of drink.

We also use to have queue-tickets with numbers which is very smart. 

We just like to put numbers into/at everything!

Having a Child

Here in Sweden  the state want us to have children and the state even pays us for every child that we have. And the more children you have the more money you gets foe every child.

We anyway do not get that much children as we could have becasue I believe we often think it's just tiresome to have them.

And we therefore use to find teenage mums shocking and very strange; because we don’t know anyone who had a child before 25 and we thought that was young.

Young mums are not common over here.


Snus is a  moist powder tobacco product originated from a variant of dry snuff in the early 19th century in Sweden, consumed by placing it under the lip for extended periods of time.

The sale of snus is illegal in the European Union, but due to exemptions, it is still manufactured and consumed primarily in Sweden and Norway. Its popularity is growing in the United States as an alternative to smoking and traditional "chewing" tobacco.

Snus is actually pretty gross.
But we always refuse to believe that snuff or “snus” is harmful.
Since snuff “isn’t harmful”, we can’t understand why no one except the Scandinavians use it.


                                        This is a normally painted Easternegg with candy in it.
In the springtime we have a religious event which we call the eastern.
We have also different characters from the eastern like the easternbunny which comes and puts out eggs in our gardens for the children.
We have something that we call easterneggs which we fill up with candy.

And the girls use to dress up as witches for Easter and boys dress up as hobos.

Swedish TV

We always have really much reklam in the swedish tv. One more thing is that we use to spend much interest and money at the decoration in the studio. I find it good with a nice environment to look at and for the people to be in. 
For example. We find it normal that the most serious debates between the political leaders of the country broadcasted on TV are held in charming and homey milieus, including flowered curtains, blond wood, colorful pillows, pastries and coffee.
I find it really cozy but sometimes it's maybe a little bit to much. 


 In the northeren parts of Sweden like kiruna the sun is always up in the summertime. It's really beautiful and some of the people who lives there have problems whith sleeping.
So if you're not careful enough, you will still be knocking on doors in summer at 11:00 pm...and the sun is still out.


 Recycling is very good and we love to do it. Everytime you get the chance to recycle something we do it. And we get guilty conscience from throwing things in the dustbin that could have been recycled.


Fireworks is something that swedes really like.
We use to have fireworks at christmas, easter and just about every occasion (at least when there's darkness).

A beautiful place to visit.

 One really wonderful and really odd and interresting place to visit here in Sweden is Jukkasjärvi icehotell. It's an entire hotell made out of ice.http://www.icehotel.com/

unwritten laws

At Christmas we use to buy boxes with chocolate, and in this boxes it's two layers of choklate pralines. One thing which is forbidden is to take chocolate from the bottom layer because U've find something interesting down there. Thats's totally forbidden.

måndag 7 mars 2011

Common sports in Sweden

I believe that the most common sport in sweden is Icehockey and efter that comes soccer.
I get the feeling that almost every boy in sweden plays icehockey or soccer.
 They atleast test it when they are young, some of the boys believe that they can be something but it's such a big competition between all the boys because there is so many that tries to be something wich makes it hard.
When they comes up to the age of 15-18 they often have to chose between the studies or the sport and I believe that the most of them chose the school.

The girls also use to play soccer but not that much icehockey as the boys.
But something that really is common among the girls is horseriding, but I believe that the most of them are just doing it for fun.

torsdag 24 februari 2011


Smörgåsbord isn't that hard to explain/understand I believe.

It's a Scandinavian meal wich we use to eat at christmas and other times when we use the cellebrate something.

It contains of both hot and cold dishes.
The food on the smörgåsbord contains of different kinds of spread to put on the sandwich but also "normal" food like potatoes, Swedish meatballs, some sausages etc.

And I believe that it from the beginning comes from the poor swedish people in the past, which couldn't afford some real food so they just took what they have got and put it up on the table and ate a little bit of everything.

onsdag 23 februari 2011

Travelling in Sweden

If I would go somewhere in sweden together with my friend I believe we would go on a Snow-mobile trip out in the forrest where I live.
We would just jump up on the snow-mobile and then give the pedal to the metal out in nowhere in the swedish nature.
We could maybe make some pitstops and eat something or maybe sleep but for the most we would just drive and have fun.
We could also just take the volvo for a hell of a ride out in the forrest.

During summer we would probably take a really long trip on the bikes and maybe cykle down to the south of sweden like ystad, malmö or trelleborg.

tisdag 22 februari 2011

The Swedish school-system

I think that the Swedish school-system works pretty well.
To go 9 years in the school is compulsory and it's called "the ground school" here in sweden and it's in the age of normally between 5/6 and 15.
After that you can start to work but it will be really hard to find some work so you can say that the college or "gymnasium" as we call it also is compulsory, and you got to go to college for 3 years.
After that it will be alot easier to find a job becasue you're probably about 18 years old and you also got some education.
But you often have to study a bit more if you want to work with something wich is not an "easy" work wich often use to be low-payed.

So you do atleast have about 12 years in the school.
But the school here in sweden is for free during "the ground school" and the college.

Something that  I belive that we could improve in the swedish school-system is that it soulden't be that many holidays.
In my opinion I think about 3-4 months a year is way to much.I believe it would be better to have shorter vacations and get out in the workinglife earlier instead and maybe get more quality into the education in the school.

måndag 21 februari 2011


"Lagom" is a very tricky but a very good and useful word.
The meaning of the word is that it's just enough of something.
From the beginning I've heard that the word comes frome the vikings, when they sat together and drank some beer they all drank through the same can and then thay sad "lag om" which means around the whole team and then everybody drink just as much as they have to so it would be enough for everybody.
So if I would translate the word lagom into english it would be something like " teamtrough" or maybe "team around".

onsdag 16 februari 2011