söndag 3 april 2011

Taking the Student

When we graduate from the gymnasium we're taking the student.

The day when u r taking the student often use to look something like this:

U wake up and meet your frinds and having a nice champagne breakfast.

It's a little break and you drink as much as you can.

Then u go to the school and meet your class in a classroom and you will recieve your grades.

Then it's a little break and you tries to be even drunker.

Then the whole school meet each other and the principal have a little speach  and some of the students also holds one.

Then after all that, u and your class are really drunk and totally wasted.

And then efter all that we use to get on the back of a truck or convertible car and drunkenly shout and sing for hours at passers-by just because you graduated from school.

After all that you either fall asleep because you are so damn drunk and tired or you just keep on drinking and partying all night long.

The day after when you wake up you are feeling really bad and you realizes that you are unemployed.

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