tisdag 22 februari 2011

The Swedish school-system

I think that the Swedish school-system works pretty well.
To go 9 years in the school is compulsory and it's called "the ground school" here in sweden and it's in the age of normally between 5/6 and 15.
After that you can start to work but it will be really hard to find some work so you can say that the college or "gymnasium" as we call it also is compulsory, and you got to go to college for 3 years.
After that it will be alot easier to find a job becasue you're probably about 18 years old and you also got some education.
But you often have to study a bit more if you want to work with something wich is not an "easy" work wich often use to be low-payed.

So you do atleast have about 12 years in the school.
But the school here in sweden is for free during "the ground school" and the college.

Something that  I belive that we could improve in the swedish school-system is that it soulden't be that many holidays.
In my opinion I think about 3-4 months a year is way to much.I believe it would be better to have shorter vacations and get out in the workinglife earlier instead and maybe get more quality into the education in the school.

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